1. How long is the program?
The program lasts for 48 months, but if a church utilizes the Fall Campaign materials, then it is extended one month per year for a total of 52 months.
2. Does a church have to stay in the program for its duration?
No, a church can cancel at any time with a 30-day written notice.
3. In what Scripture versions are the materials available?
Presently, the materials are available in King James Version (KJV), New King James Version (NKJV), New Revised Standard Version (NRSV), Revised Standard Version (RSV), New International Version (NIV), New American Standard Version (NASV), New Living Translation (NLT), Today’s English Version (TEV) and the New American Bible. Fall Campaign materials are also provided in the Scripture version requested by a church. A special version has been produced in the NIV which has been edited by the Missouri District of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod. This version differs somewhat from the regular version; it carries the official endorsement of the Missouri District and of the LCMS Board of Stewardship.
4. What if a church does not want the donor thank-you letters but does want donor appeal letters, or vice versa?
No problem. We’ll only provide what a church wants. There is no extra charge for either of these; nor is there any price reduction if they are not used.
5. What if a church only wants to use part of the program, such as the Lay Speaker presentations or the newsletter articles?
How a church uses the materials is up to each church, but there is no reduction in price if a church does not use the full package. However, we encourage churches to use all of the parts of the program in order to receive the maximum exposure and benefit.
6. What if a church does not want to have a Fall Campaign?
The Fall Campaign, while helpful, is not an integral part of the program and thus is not absolutely essential to its success.
7. What if a church does not want to share its present giving trends with KLW Enterprises?
No problem. Some do, some don’t. It all depends on the individual situation.
8. What promises or guarantees are made to a church using the program?
None. The Agreement with each church specifically states, “No promise, implied or otherwise, as to results arising from this program is made by the Company to the Church or to its constituency.”
9. When can a church begin the program?
A church can begin in any month of the year. Churches have started in every month of the year, including December.
10. Do the materials for one month build on the materials for the previous month(s)?
The materials for each month are designed to stand alone. Although all of the materials are inter-related, a church does not need to hesitate to use the program due to a large turnover in its congregation. A person who begins attending a participating church in month #13, for example, is not “lost” because he or she was not present for months #1-12 of the program.
11. Why is the monthly fee so much greater for the larger churches, i.e., over 1,000 in attendance?
Larger churches tend to be more demanding in their requirements, to involve more time, and therefore are more costly to service. Too, in spite of having staff members who should be coordinated, in many cases, larger churches sometimes operate in a crisis mode and call at the last minute with changes, special requests, etc.
12. Why are the charges based on attendance?
The charges on based on attendance for several reasons. First, this method is relatively simple to administer. Second, the charges are not related to increases in giving, something that could be difficult to determine. Third, this system does not penalize a church which has a large membership that is not reflected in its actual smaller attendance. And last, it allows smaller churches to participate in the program since their fee is relative to their size.
13. Is there a limit as to the size of the church?
The smallest church in the program has an average attendance of 35; the largest has 10,000. Thus, there does not seem to be a size limitation.
14. Is it possible to discount a fee?
Churches may prepay the cost of the program for two years and receive a 15% discount. Churches may prepay the cost of the program for four years and receive a 30% discount. (The four-year prepayment also includes a money-back guarantee.) All of the materials for two or four years are sent to recipients at the start of the program. These discounts are possible because monthly processing expenses are greatly reduced or eliminated.
15. How long does it take to get the program started in a church?
Once a church signs and returns the Agreement, along with the Questionnaire and appropriate sample materials, it takes about two weeks to set up the program and get the first month’s materials to a church.
16. Exactly what is a church buying from KLW Enterprises?
A church is purchasing materials for a comprehensive education and training program designed to instruct people in biblical principles concerning money, material possessions and giving. Materials are provided by e-mail. All of the materials are customized to each church and use its name and the Scripture version it prefers.
17. What if a church is interested but just doesn’t have the money for this program?
We suggest that the pastor attempt to identify a donor who will underwrite the cost for one year above and beyond the present level of giving. In some churches, each member of the governing board agrees to pay for one month in the program in addition to their regular giving. We also suggest that the church view the fee as an investment that should produce a harvest, but obviously, since we cannot control the situation in a given church, we avoid any specific performance claims. Although it might be possible to “give” the program to a truly needy church, we have avoided this for two reasons. First, churches generally have money for things the leadership considers important. Second, if a church receives something for nothing, that is the value which it will place on that item.
18. What if a pastor does not like something in the material?
The pastor has the right, according to the Agreement, to change the copy without our permission.
19. When does the church pay?
Unless a church selects one of the prepayment plans, no money is paid in advance. The church is sent its first invoice at the close of the first month’s participation.
20. What’s to prevent a church from using the material more than one time, from sharing it with another church, or the pastor from taking it to a new church?
Nothing, except both the church and the pastor are restricted from such actions by the Agreement. The material is copyrighted, so such actions would be violations of the copyright.