Effective Stewardship Articles

Water on a Stone

Recently, a pastor of one of the churches using the “Effective Stewardship” program told me that he viewed the program as “water on a stone.” By that he meant that he viewed the program not as a remedy for the … Read More

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Believing God

Hebrews 11:6 is clear in its admonition: The one who comes to God must believe that God exists and is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. In other words, as Charles Stanley ex­pressed it so well, the two … Read More

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Reading and Listening

The “Effective Stewardship” program consists of four parts: A bulletin “box,” a Lay Speaker Presentation, a Discussion Sheet for Sunday School Classes and Youth Groups, and a Newsletter Article. Why is such an emphasis placed on both the printed page … Read More

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Putting First Things First

In his interesting volume, Money, Material Possessions and Eternity, Randy Alcorn writes,

Were I the Bible’s editor, I would cut out much of what it says about money and possessions. Anyone can see it devotes a disproportionate amount of … Read More

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Do Your Giving While You’re Living

In March 1998, my father passed away at the age of 88. My dad became a Christian as an adult and spent the rest of his life serving the Lord in a variety of ways. His funeral service, at which … Read More

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The Rule of Repetition

Effective advertising and sales promotions are built upon repetition  Think for a moment about ads you have seen on TV in recent years. Walmart stresses low prices — always. Chevrolet says its trucks are built like a rock. And they … Read More

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The Antidote

Materialism has been running rampant since the end of World War II. Today, it has reached epidemic proportions. Definitions of materialism include “a preoccupation with or stress upon material rather than intellectual or spiritual things.”

Materialism doesn’t begin with the … Read More

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Great Expectations

In 1861, Charles Dickens wrote his  novel, Great Expectations, in which he revealed the corruption in mem­bers of society whose expectations centered on acquiring a fortune and being sup­ported in luxury by the labors of oth­ers. That novel was … Read More

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One of the most overlooked aspects of the “Effective Stewardship” program is the opportunity it provides to express appreciation to people for their financial support of the church. This is done through “thank-you” letters to donors which are made available … Read More

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The Law of the Farm

Stephen Covey was a highly respected author and business consultant. His success was built, in part, on his ability to reduce complex issues affecting human behavior into relatively simple concepts that could be understood and then put into practice.

In … Read More

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