Category Archives: Communique

Dogs That Hunt

A number of years ago, I was in Memphis, Tennessee, where I was providing consulting services to the Board of Directors of a bank. In the course of the meeting, one of the directors made this statement in response to … Read More

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The Reason Why

Did you ever stop to ask yourself why the “Effective Stewardship” program places so much emphasis on money, material possessions and giving? Some might conclude that the main reason is that all churches need more money. Therefore, the program exists … Read More

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And That’s the Way It Is

According to national polls, Walter Cronkite was one of most trusted men in America. His integrity was above reproach in every respect. No wonder his tenure as anchor of the CBS Evening News was one of the high points of … Read More

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Giving Beyond Our Abilities

In the “Effective Stewardship” program, the maxim is frequently stated that the amount of money a person possesses actually has little to do with his or her ability to give to the Lord’s work. We cite the Macedo­nian Christians who … Read More

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Decorating Our Heavenly Home

In the 44 years we have been married, my wife and I have built five new homes. In retrospect, some of the decisions were rela­tively simple. Others were very time-con­suming and much more difficult. One of the more challenging areas … Read More

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Doing What We Don’t Want to Do

When he was head coach of the Dallas Cowboys, Tom Landry once said, “I have a job to do that is not very complicated, but it is often difficult: To get a group of men to do what they don’t … Read More

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That the Generation to Come Might Know. . . .

Many years ago, I began preparing tax returns for my elderly parents. Then a few years later, I began managing their investments and paying their bills for them. In spite of being on fixed, limited incomes, until the day of … Read More

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The Vision Thing

In retrospect, George H. W. Bush (U.S. President #41) probably did a good job as President of the United States. Although history will judge more fully his role, most people would agree that Mr. Bush kept the country on a … Read More

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A mindset is a fixed mental attitude or disposition that predetermines a person’s response to and interpretation of situations. It is also an inclination or a habit.

Mindsets can be good or bad, depending on their orientation and the situation. … Read More

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The Long and the Short of It

Most stewardship programs emphasize short-term results. With the exception of capital fund-raising drives (which can encompass a year or more), typically, most stewardship programs last only a few weeks at most.

As a result, most pastors and lay leaders are … Read More

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